Saturday all Day

I’m reliably informed that today is Saturday, all day in fact, even if it feels like a Sunday.
It had hardly become Saturday when I rode forth into a windy grey morning, ridiculously early, avoiding traffic and treacherous roads. My blip was taken from Braid Hills Road looking east to a glimmer of colour behind North Berwick Law.

The rest of the day has slipped past with little of import to say for itself ; a pan of fridge content soup and some knitting, the sum total.

The greyness and wind put me off going for a walk long enough for it to became a pointless exercise to consider and just when I thought I was Billy no mates, I had one chat over the railings with my Edinburgh friend of many talents, one long phone call from my friend in Kelso and a Face Time chat with daughter #1. Now I’m all chatted out, and would you believe it the sun has come out. Tant pis, as they say in France.

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