Capital adventures

By marchmont

Yellow fields

Another get day and another busy day. Slept badly so a slow start. Put away all last night's shopping (no wasting time and effort sanitising). I now have enough chicken to last me about a month! Then a Massive Singlet, hosted from the Blue Mountains so far away in NSW. It was 'Queen' today.

There were issues connecting with the College. Turned out there Outlook was down so after lunch I had my outing to the vet's and the Manor. A welcome surprise was being able to but potting compost from the Avenue Stores.

Then the P&R Committee. Quite an experience unable to see participants most of the time trying to follow the chat requests on the screen and the agenda on my i-pad and taking notes. But we got there, only 15 minutes overrun.

I went for a long walk after, all that pent up adrenalin. Walked up to the new houses at Lang Loan, interested to see how far they've got in the 7 months since I cycled past. Of course all construction work has stopped and there were no blue mountains to the south but hills glinting yellow in the sun.

C has written a cracker of an email to his manager about the lax kitchen hygiene in the care home where he works. Good on him. I hope he succeeds.

No PC tonight though I have loads to do. Watching 'Baptiste' again from over a year ago as the last few episodes disappeared before I had time to see them. Now they are back, and I sewed.

Tomorrow is an empty diary. Phew!

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