Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

One more baby, one more blankie

Feels like a million years ago but it was really only ten when Lauralea made a baby blanket with a personalized name on it. It was for a new baby born in the church and they were having a baby shower for her.

The next baby shower came and she didn’t know what to get so she made another baby blanket.

And she was off and running.

And now, tens of blankets later and hundreds of dollars later, (hey that fun flannelette material is expensive) and her reputation is solidified.

Now her baby blankets are expected, looked for, and coo-ed over by not just church families, but community babies from one end of the district to the other. A kid isn’t really born here unless they get a Lauralea blankie.

I love that she does that. Her creativity and her care runs deeply through this community. And that’s just a pretty great thing.

All because of a blanket with the baby’s name on it, and love.

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