My view this afternoon.

A slow day today.
But it’s glorious.
Hot and sunny with a warm breeze.
After a bout of what I call “something or other” from the middle to end of last week, I had to ring our doctor’s surgery early yesterday morning, as I’d developed an infection (which shall be nameless!)
The Nurse Practitioner phoned me back a little later and, as I gave her the symptoms she sympathised and I had to go and collect some antibiotics at teatime from the Chemist at the surgery.
They are all masked and protected.
You have to wait outside until someone comes out to ask your name and what you are either collecting or have a doctor’s consultation.
There wasn’t a queue at 5.00pm so I was given my prescription and came home. We only live a few minutes away.
I was in bed by 8.30pm.
So today is a slow day, but such a treat to have such lovely sunshine.

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