Basil and the Poppies

Out on the front lawn by my neighbour's poppies. Photo taken with toy camera effect on Fuji x-t2. If you choose the right subject you get some rather cool effects.

Incredibly windy today. Leaves have been torn off trees and our clematis has been decimated with petals strewn all over the lawn. Didn't expect that.

We had an 'adventure.' Needing a lot of compost for my new raised planting bed and Len's potato boxes, we drove out to Staunton Harold nurseries. One way system in operation and 2m lines marked out. Amazing the number of people who can't keep to a system.

They'd asked for just one family member to go in and shop and no dogs. So what did I see? Couples going the wrong way down an aisle and dogs on leads.

Len went in for the compost while I took Basil across the way to the Markfield Plantation. We negotiated our way across the meadow where sheep and lambs were grazing keeping Basil on a tight rein. He was a little too interested in the lambs. Once through the gate, I released him and we pursued a path that led through fields of beautiful buttercups. See extra.

Then it was my turn to go in while Len took Basil for a further walk by the lake where he finally drank some water. 

My choice was cosmos, Busy Lizzies, and herbs.

Back home to put my newly arrived delivery of flowers into water. They came in a flat pack but should hopefully relax by tomorrow morning. I wanted some pale peonies, which I love, but can't buy locally because the shop is closed.

Basil was in a strange mood and became very clingy by early evening. We couldn't understand why. So Len took him out for yet another walk and he seems to have chirped up a bit.

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