

This is the magnificent butterfly that emerged from the ‘black’ chrysalis featured in yesterday’s blip.

This was going to be an extra today, but I changed my mind as I thought it would be lovely to have this male butterfly featured so it could be tagged and included with all the other monarch butterfly cycle photos.

See the two black spots on the wings? Only the male butterfly has these. 

The comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s chrysalis about to burst into new life and showing a tiny glimpse of the spotted wing are very much appreciated. Thank you, everyone. 

Day 10 at Alert Level 2 in NZ
Total coronavirus cases in NZ remains at 1504
Confirmed cases 1154 + Probable cases 350 giving a total of 1504
New cases today 0
Death Toll across NZ remains at 21 
Number in Hospital remains at 1
Recovered from Coronavirus remains at 1455 (97% of all cases have recovered)
Total tested in NZ  255,850

Information is from the Government Ministry of Health website

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