Roses in May.

These two photos are a contrast. 
 I took the extra one yesterday. 
Yesterday the rose was still closed and also buffeted by the extremely strong winds. 
It actually blew a sheet off the washing line and on to the top of the tall hedge separating us from the garden next door. 
Stephen had hung the washing out earlier and thankfully the rest was still intact, and he managed to rescue the sheet, none the worse for its ordeal. 
Today I am doing better bit by bit but still have energy drains.
It will pass. Everything else has now sorted itself out, thankfully.   
I managed to go and take the main photo early this afternoon, and had to wait for a lull in between gusts of wind, to capture it! It was swaying about frequently.
Thankyou for all the lovely wishes left on my blips the last two days.
They are so encouraging. 

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