Irrigation Pond

We ventured out and about today - (not wanting to go to a cafe) I packed a picnic lunch, filled the flask, a new battery and formatted card for the camera and away we went.
We just pootling around the country roads, taking a few photos when something took my eye (I've put three in extras).  Stopped at a river for a late lunch then on to Geraldine where we parked the car and went walking.  We were home mid afternoon, lite the fire and settled in for the duration.
This is one photo sliced.
We're expecting rain overnight and tomorrow, fingers crossed it eventuates as we are desperate for rain.

Today’s Stats
We've only had one new case in a week !!
New Cases 0 new, 0 probable (yesterday 1)
In hospital 1 (yesterday 2) 0 in ICU
Recovered 1456 (yesterday 1455) 97%
Deaths 0 (21 previous)11 of these are from the same Aged Care Facility
South Canterbury 17 (yesterday 17) 0 in our local hospital, all recovered
Total Cases 1504 (yesterday 1504)


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