
By Livingandloving

Missing This

I drove my girl into town for school, and prompty turned back around and drove home to be sick in bed. I figured a good day in my bed with lots of rest and a few good books would help me recover quicker. I'm not sure it worked or not, but I did some great reading today. If you haven't read The Art of Racing in the Rain you really should. LOVED it.

Sugar had a great day at school, and a fun playdate after at her friend's house. I drug my lazy tush out of bed to fetch her. I was surprised to see that it had turned into a really, really beautiful day. My neighbor has been telling me about some bald eagles hanging around our neighborhood, so I snapped my telephoto lens on and went looking. I didn't see them, but decided to nab this shot of one of our other neighbor's barn. This shot really reminds me of summer days....and fall evenings. sigh.....I miss out evening walks. Can't wait......

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