Petting Zoo

Friday morning, I headed on out to Sugar's school with my girl, and Taffy Bunny. It was business day in Sugar's class, and her little group had decided that a Petting Zoo would be their business. Taffy was a bit nervous....but settled in quiet nicely, and as long as I kept the two dogs from eating her, and the lizard from looking at her, she was fine. :) She was so good with all the kids and adults petting, and holding her. She made us proud.

I took this shot of Sugar holding her friend's Bearded Dragon named, Lois. She was a very relaxed and easy going lizard. She was quite fun to hold and admire.

Since keeping Taffy alive was my main responsibility, I didn't get a chance to go check out the other businesses in the 3rd grade classroom, but I hear there was a cafe, a massage parlor, a smoothie shop, a craft store, a rainbow bracelet shop, and a face painting shop. It was a bit chaotic, but fun. Sugar LOVED it.

The rest of the day went quickly by. I had a report to prepare for work, and an afternoon training session. Sugar finished up school, and then headed to a friend's house for a short playdate.

Sugar and I did a quick shopping trip to pick up a bridal shower present, and some googly eyes for a very special bracelet we will attempt to make this weekend.

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