Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

In Memory...

...of Myra, the beloved mother of one of my dearest friends who passed away last night.  She went peacefully (and not from Covid) but her family was not able to be at her side because she lived in a care home.  Another friend lost his father last week under the same circumstances.  It just seems so horribly unfair and sad.  She loved bluebirds so this image of our female bluebird is dedicated to her.  

I first met her 25 or so years ago when we all (her daughter, she and I) went to Rome together.  She was such fun to travel with - always full of energy and joy.  One of those people who make you feel good just being in their company.  I'm so sad that she is gone from this world, and so sad for my friend and her brother.  

I honestly just wanted to go back to bed and sleep today but Hubs insisted we go for a walk - as usual, he knew what I needed.  We also worked on the water feature in the garden (again!) 

In nesting news...the chickadees are still in the nest box. They should have fledged yesterday or today but I suspect they are a little behind in developement because of the cold days when they first hatched.  Maybe tomorrow.  The bluebirds are guarding their eggs from any and all potential predators, with most of their wrath directed at squirrels, wrens, and chipmunks.  Although, Missus (seen here) went after the male Oriole today for no good reason - maybe she just didn't like the way he looked.

I found my first tiny jumping spider of the year, with an equally tiny fly clenched in his tiny jaws.  I also spotted the first groundhog in years in our yard this morning.  The chickadees were fussing at him as he foraged in the garden near their box before scampering off into the woods.  You can see him HERE, making his getaway.  That was quite a surprise since it's been at least 10 years since I've seen one in our yard.

If you are lucky enough to be able to hug someone you love, please give them an extra hug today.  Just because.  And remember to stay safe and be kind...


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