All the blues

Yay, didnt wake up until 7.30 this morning :-)
Its our youngest granddaughter Isabellas 5th Birthday.......she has s new bike smongst other things. She has had a lockdown birthday party with mummy daddy and Olivia :-)

The usual for me, Fruity breakfast in the garden, then a quick walk to Tesco for a few things I needed .

Hub filled the pond up as it had gotten quite low. I weeded and collected up debris post the winds! The garden has survived, quite a few buds off our roses over the arbour, all snapped :-/

Youngest son & DiL arrived at lunchtime.....we sat outside and had a big catch up.....its at least 10 weeks since we last saw them, no hugs on arrival, social distanced whilst we sat outside. We had egg bacon & sausage baguettes for lunch, I had mine in a wholemeal pitta ;-)

The weather has been lovely, shorts & a vest.....& suncream. Time just flew by and before we all realised 5 hours had passed!
We said our goodbyes with plans for us to visit them in a week or two.

Dinner tonight was pizza for hub and left over chinese stir fry pork for was ok. Need to get back to normal food tomorrow ;-)

Todays blip is the "blue section" of our garden. I absolutely love the different shades of blue these dephiniums offer, with the purple flag irises and this is followed by an abundance of massive purple blooms of the clematis Jackmanni :-) on the fence behind them.

No exercise to speak of today, a poor 4k steps :-( Must put that right tomorrow!

Well that was our bank holiday Monday, hope yours was enjoyable too. Stay alert, stay safe everyone :-)

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