Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Shines and Lines

Lithgow today. No photo en route, and grey wet weather in the afternoon. I took this on the railway station (yes, really! xP ) at Katoomba.

Here it is large; I like the lines and shining water.

And here's a B&W version.

Also, here's a B&W conversion of one of the poor exposures I took of Bursill Lane yesterday morning ... It's better than the one I blipped. Doh!

Oh and for fun: "Every Day I'm Shufflin'" says this pigeon. ;-)

Missy-moo needs a recorder for school. I am not well-pleased, as I loathe the instrument: it sounds appalling when being learnt, and I don't think it adds anything to an understanding of music (as does a piano). Of course, it's much cheaper than a piano, hence the choice of it for kids. Aaaaaanyway... I found mrs tsuken's recorder, which has been sitting un-blown for three decades. Miss 7 is weeeeeeelllllll-pleased with the idea of having her mother's old recorder - which is very sweet. ^_^

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