Free at last...

So, all according to plan, I took Morrigan out for a very satisfactory if slightly warm run around the southern Cotswolds. After ten weeks it was good to breathe deeply of the west country, and feel the landscape throb under me. Or perhaps that was Morrigan. This is her back home - we didn't stop anywhere.

On one level nothing was different. The route was familiar and if the traffic was more like a Sunday it was still a known environment. On another level I was surprised at seeing only one person in all the sixty or so miles who was wearing a face mask - and they were leaving a doctors' surgery!

Back home I am eight all over again, watching the countdown to the Space X launch. Not for me this time the wobbly black & awhile 14" television - it's on the 55" in 4K colour. I have always been excited about space and fervently believe humanities future is among the stars (maybe odd for an earthy pagan).

My twenty fifth birthday contained the "gift" of a shuttle launch, and I remember well how awesome that lift off was... for a minute or two. It was Challenger, and I hold that terrible moment deep within me. A few days after my 42nd birthday (life the universe and everything) Columbia went pop too.

You might understand therefore that I'm a little tense right now, and utterly engrossed.
...aaaaaaaand, launch abort due to lightning in upper atmosphere. Try again Saturday!

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