As Promised

I told you you would see the peonies later on in the week. The flowers are fragrant but there's a nasty fetid smell coming from somewhere, I should have taken the  photo after changing the water in the vase, and I wish I'd had a different vase.

Basil and I walked at Nanpantan Reservoir again this afternoon. Despite leaving it until 4 pm it was still hot. Daddy grebe was on the nest today. I'm just so surprised that he and his partner didn't build it in the reeds where they wouldn't have been so bothered by passersby.

I planted flowers in the two big tubs that Len had filled with compost and a gritty medium and put the remaining two plants in the herb container round the back. Ideally I'd want the herbs near the back door within easy reach of a cook pot but there's nowhere else to put the raised bed.

I watered them in this evening when it was cooler. The breeze has strengthened but we're not likely to get much needed rain.

The Cummings affair is a shambles. Johnson doesn't even recognise that he himself is on the ropes. Sadly, we can't do anything for the next four years when the next election is due. There is no one, absolutely no one, in the Tory party who commands any respect.

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