Up at crazy o'clock!

Just before lockdown started in March, a pal from the camera club and I had decided to go up the coast to capture some sunrise shots - but we had to cancel because of the restrictions.

A few days ago he emailed me to suggest that now we're allowed to drive to places, and meet another if we keep our distance, we should reinstate our plan - but at a closer venue. The downside was that sunrise is now a lot earlier than in March!

So that's why the alarm went off at 3am and we were in South Shields for 4am (yes we did go in socially distant separate cars) with our cameras. Here are some of the results. We only had 5-10 minutes of red in the sky, but it was intense while it lasted. Then gradually the blueness of early morning light became warmer, as you'll see if you'd like to take a look at my Google Photos album here.

The 2nd extra shows a drop of dew on the dune grass by the beach.

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