Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Like a Painting

I am not a flower photographer really.   But another of the perks for STAYING AT HOME is seeing the spectacular things that my neighbors grow.   I think we miss some of this usually,  …..most everything is green or white( daisies) or yellow (broom)  at our cabin…..  or I haven’t paid as close attention but I’m looking for all good reasons to be here and not there.  :-)   There seem to be poppies of all colors about… this just looks like it could have been painted to me.  (SOC)

Still didn’t get to the next thing on my to do list, but had a person to person “coffee” in our back patio with friend Mike… (extra)   Have just been reading about how this virus is most likely airborne like a aerosol spray and we know that length of exposure is a factor.    She climbed in from the back, not thru the house, as "our" park bench was full.   Hope we are far enough apart.  It’s 6’ I think.   Part of the calculated risk management that has to happen.   But the Covid numbers yesterday and today have been on an upward trend, I learned from her. 

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