Half and half

A tale of 2 halves.

I photograped the above  boys X2 Images
My friend* sent me the beach x2 images
(*I had to show them to you).

½ of us follow the rules
½ don’t give a toss

As expected the beach filled up today. Worst scene so far. Can’t understand why anyone would want to join those crowds, let alone risk picking up or spreading the virus.

We ventured out this morning after a delivery. Didn’t go too far as we knew it was mayhem out there. Several times, we had to walk on the road.  While groups of, dare I say youngsters, or families on bikes, hogged the pavement

Don’t know what they teach at school, certainly not respect for others. Just I, I, I ...

Amazing weather continues. Hot, sunny, nice breeze.

Think my photos are stupid and silly enough for Silly Saturday

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