A Walk up da Hill Rod

Another windy day out west, and calmer east.  The sun has been shining over most of Shetland, all day.  21 degrees was about the warmest.  Cooler this evening, although still sunny at 9.30pm, sunset 10.15pm.  

Weekend off work, and up early to start the day.  The boat got lifted out, as it's needing a overhaul and paint.  Popped along Madeline's for a cuppa in the garden.  Popped down to mam's in the afternoon.  More walkies with Sammy this evening.  I've enjoyed a glass of wine on the veranda, but got too chilly out, feet up now. 

After a cuppa, me and mam headed up the peat hill road for a walk.  As we headed through the hill, we were reminiscing about old days and peat work, along with the amount of folk that would have been at the peat hill at this time of year.  There still are people working peats, but a fairly quiet day today.  Me, mam and Sammy heading back down the north peat hill road, Cunningsburgh.  

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