Cerflun cacen

Cerflun cacen ~ Cake sculpture

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Yn dilyn ein gwaith byrfyfyr ddydd Mercher, heddiw cerfiais ac adeiladais i gTormas o'r toes. Ym Mwdhaeth mae yna lawer o arferion symbolaidd, lle rhaid i chi wneud rhywbeth i gario eich dymuniadau - fel swynoglau ayyb - oherwydd eu bod nhw'n gyfathrebol. Mae'r tri gTormas yn gynyrchioli offrymau i dair agwedd bwysig o ymarfer Bwdist - sef Lama (ffynhonnell ysbrydoliaeth), Yidam (symbol o oleuedigaeth lawn) a Khandro/Pawo (ein natur oleuedig fewnol). Dylen ni paentio y gTormas â lliw bwyd, ond nid oes unrhyw gyda ni ar hyn o bryd.  Byddan ni'n gwneud hynny'r tro nesa, pan rydyn ni'n gwneud nhw gyda marsipán gwyn.

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Following our improvisation on Wednesday, today I carved and built gTormas from the dough. In Buddhism there are many symbolic practices, where you have to do something to carry your intentions - such as amulets etc - because they are communicative. The three gTormas represent offerings to three important aspects of Buddhist practice - Lama (source of inspiration), Yidam (symbol of full enlightenment) and Khandro / Pawo (our inner enlightened nature). We should paint the gTormas with food coloring, but we don't have any at the moment. We'll do that next time, when we're making them with white marzipan.

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