A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Secrets and Lies

This weekend should have seen the huge (45,000 people last year) boardgaming expo in Birmingham*.  Obviously that's not happening.

The biggest and friendliest of the UK boardgame Facebook groups swiftly gathered together a 'virtual' convention for this weekend and it seems to have been an excellent event all round.

One part of the fun was a competition (with a serious prize) to replicate some boardgame artwork (be that the box, a component, etc.) in real life. I'd not entirely appreciated just how good a match our hall is to the cover of the Secrets expansion to the boardgame The Castles of Mad King Ludwig. The original is on the right (in case there was any doubt!).

* If you're assuming Monopoly, consider how it sounds if you were to assume a major modern car show was full of Austin 7 drivers.

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