The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Quiet street, quiet town

A hot day, which started with my tidying up the patio area so that my friend could come and officially be permitted to sit there and have an IT lesson. Her husband came too, and lurked in the cabin, reading a newspaper.

Our wooden parasol is very large, heavy and a pain to put up, so I was somewhat miffed when friend arrived and said "Oh, that won't provide enough space for two of us with our laptops. Does it tilt?"  

Reader, we managed. I persuaded her to put a hold  on one of her two facebook profiles (both personal!)  how to post stuff online, and how to access our course software fully. This only took an hour and a half.

After the weather had cooled a little, I walked to town via this locked-down Lower Street to post a jigsaw. Then I came home and listed some more on ebay, and went up to the pub/shop to buy takeaway food for my friend's freezer. In between, I chatted on WhatsApp with my middle sister. She had been floating about on a lilo (inflatatable bed) on Loch Creran, when she looked up and saw a sheep lowering its head threateningly at her dog (surely it's usually the dogs molesting the sheep?) while other sheep rummaged around close to her bag. She said she'd never jumped off a lilo so fast, rushing to protect the raspberries in her bag from the scavenging sheep.

"Well, you know the price of raspberries at the Port Appin shop..."

Yes, we know, Port Appin isn't cheap. And now I wish I'd never thought of it, because I want to be back having a bar supper in the pub with my old mate Elspeth, and family, as I did last summer. But it seems we'll no' be moving  freely around the four nations just yet. Usually, As soon as I have any free time, I head for the hills of Argyll. Not this time.

What else? Checked another jigsaw, ready for sale. Checked the price of some of my books. I can't ignore the fact that the furlough scheme will end in October, but I don't know when youth clubs will resume. If I lose the youth club income and the indoor market trading opportunities, long-term, Im going to need something to fill the gap. 

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