Crepe Myrtle Bonsai.... 5 years old

Another Bonsai, this one is the beginning of full bloom.  It is the time of year, here in Fla that Myrtles bloom.  After I saw my tree this morning, I started looking around where I live and sure enough, some of the trees are also starting to bloom.
      This tree is 5 years old, from the time I air layered the tree off of its parent tree.   One of the difficult things  with a Myrtle is that new branching is thin or very twiggy.  It takes a while (a few years) for the twigging to thicken and become secondary branching.  Most of the time, over winter, the twigging dies off.  In the spring new tiny twigs develop again and the cycle is repeated, without any, or very little secondary branching developing. 
     The color is beautiful and I am hoping that something will develop that I can use to move on to the next stage.

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