So it’s Tuesday?!

After my confusion yesterday I was pleased to wake up to Tuesday for real this morning. It was very muggy all morning and nice enough to have lunch in the garden after visiting the supermarket and Costco - unfortunately it started spitting so I had to retreat inside. The real rain cake later and very welcome it was too.

The supermarket and Costco were less stressful than previously but still a few folk not following the distancing arrows but more who were so guess the message is getting through?

Spent the afternoon doing a bit of crochet and sorting out the items bought at Costco into useable portions for the freezer, making breadcrumbs out of slightly past it bread and cooking some pinwheels (puff pastry, sausage meat, onions and apple) to have for snacks,

We treated ourselves to some steak and Costco and enjoyed it with baked potato and veg - very yummy.

Thank you to Trisharooni for hosting Tiny Tuesday. Just a wee shot of our budding apples.

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