Wide Wednesday

Freyjad is hosting this week and the theme is colour. This view is the back of the sports ground grandstand. There wasn’t a lot of wide choices to be honest but I do see green grass and blue sky and some colourful garbage bins. I live near the centre of town and between the shops and my place is this recreation area. To be honest the only time I have been there was for the Elton John Concert in January this year ( technically not true, I went there to help at a work stall one day - there are high fences around the complex so I can’t usually get in there). I decided to walk up to buy some yarn for my next project as I finished sewing up the little baby jumper. Leo has requested a blue jumper so that’s what I got ( with cream and charcoal for some patterns). I took the blip on the walk home. 

At the shops I met up with an old friend who I haven’t seen for many years, when we went to her wedding and today I met her daughter Emma who is now studying at university. Blimey. We have agreed to catch up again after the Corona crisis. 

There have been no new community acquired Covid 19 cases in NSW for a week. We are still getting some cases from Australians returning from overseas but as all travellers are required to isolate for two weeks in a hotel it has really helped control the pandemic locally. 

Bread making is on the agenda today, mixing and bulk rise today, baking in the morning. 

That’s about it from my quiet part of the world. My thoughts are with the people in the US, due to the terrible riots and unrest there at the the moment. 

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