Abstract Thursday

Another knitting blip, this is the jumper as requested by Leo who has a birthday next week (and asked for a blue jumper). I purchased the yarn yesterday. I wanted a thicker ply but there weren’t  any colours that I thought would suit. This is in 8ply and will take a bit longer to knit up. 

I made two more loaves of sourdough and Bob said I had excelled. High praise indeed. I haven’t been known as a cook. I’m interested in the different methods and science behind baking bread, lots of physics and chemistry involved. This lot was made at 75% hydration and I didn’t use a tin as we both prefer the Dutch Oven method. It was so nice I had 2 and a half pieces for lunch, usually I stop at one small piece. 

Not much else to report. No new Covid cases from community infection is really good news. Cold morning at -2°. 

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