Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Those of you who know me have probably been wondering when I'd post my first bug porn of the year.  Well, wait no more!  And, as a bonus, not a species I've ever captured in this awkward pose before today.  Meet the Gold-backed Snipe Flies.  The female is the larger of the two, which isn't uncommon in the insect world.  Unlike some fly species, these aren't really able to fly while thus engaged so I was able to get off a few shots before I left them in privacy.

Thunderstorms were forecast for the afternoon, so I scooted out this morning to a spot I've not yet been this year - and it didn't disappoint.  The only thing I regret is that none of my nature group was with me - it would have been really nice to have their collective wisdom to help me id some of the things I saw and heard.  I think I'll probably try to get back over to this spot every week or so since it will change from week to week in terms of the insects.  Right now, most of the fields aren't in bloom yet so not many pollinators - but when the bee balm and milkweed starts blooming, it will be nirvana for the pollinators (and those who love them).

In other news, my mom emailed me yesterday that she was finally able to get a haircut (with all safety precautions, of course) and that she was thrilled.  She keeps her hair quite short, which makes regular haircuts very necessary.  Anyway, she's feeling human again.  As for me, my hair is shoulder-length and needs very little in the way of care.  Hubs trimmed it recently so I'm good to go for at least another month.

Biggest news on the Lane today was the hatch of 5 little bluebirds in Nestbox 4!  They hatched either last night or very early this morning and mom and dad have been busy shuttling very tiny insects into the box.  Always amazing to me that they know exactly what size food to bring in.  For a while, mom stayed on the nest while dad did all the heavy-lifting - which mean that she stayed nice and dry while he was positively soaked!  

Three other pics on Flickr, starting HERE with a very wet bluebird (and followed by an orange damsel and a very ambitious little green and gold spider.

Stay safe.  Be kind.  Be loving.


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