Sonoma County Hills*

Another hot day
Motivation is waning
Life goes on anyway

The county health officer has allowed a new cohort of businesses and services to open, so our housecleaner will be back after almost three months. She has her work cut out for her!  She is also a friend and would just as soon that we leave while she is here....

I went to the dentist yesterday and he confirmed that I did chip my tooth. There was also a filling in there which probably saved my tooth from cracking in half, but he took it out and repaired everything. I came home and felt like washing out my mouth with soap (or bleach...) but settled for some mouthwash.

Our hairdresser has a studio in her house and has sent us an email saying that although hair salons have permission to open after many sleepless nights she realizes that  she doesn't think she can t ensure the safety of 125 clients, herself and her family yet. I told her we might need a whole new hairstyle by the time she comes back, but we'll just wait....John is looking like a wooly mammoth but he doesn't care, and I guess I don't really care enough to go through the trauma of finding someone new....

Gail, who is part of our Pilates/coffee group, is an esthetician and apparently hasn't gotten permission to start seeing clients again. I don't quite see why a dentist can open but one can't get a facial. 

I also wonder what will happen as a result of the daily demonstrations that are taking place here. It's hard to tell how many people are wearing masks, but I think it's probably about the same as the population in general. How did the wearing of a face mask against a potentially deadly virus become a political issue? And when did it become ok to refuse to follow mandated health guidelines by saying that it's all a hoax.

I feel a small glimmer of hope when I see the continuing demonstrations,  the declarations of disgust and distrust against the president's rhetoric and actions even from conservative outlets like Fox News, and the fact that even some former and current advisors to the president are finding the backbone to speak's about time....

* A painting in triptych by my friend and neighbor Ann Rosmarin.

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