
By Colgaize82

A Little Fall of Rain

I never cease to be awestruck by the difference that a spot of rain can make to my surrounding landscapes.

As aforementioned, I really dislike the rain- I’m a self-professed sun worshipper but I understand I can’t have it both ways: I can’t revel in the beauty of what’s on my doorstep here whilst despising the very natural process of precipitation ad infinitum.

On my run up Walla Crag & across to Ashness Bridge today, I saw my surroundings in a new light; they were fresh, vibrant & all shades of viridescent & it was entirely owing to the recent rain. I guess then, I’ll have to concede & forgive it for interrupting my current sunbathing strategy ( I say this in all flippancy- chance to lie around in the sun, during lockdown would be a very fine thing indeed!)

In other news, my knees were incredibly hot, all the way up the side of the fell & for most of the middle section of undulation. This, I suspect, may be entirely owing to my downhill exploits of yesterday.

Luckily, I have received some helpful advice from a fellow blipper so for that, I am thankful.

Stay healthy, stay strong & embrace the rain!

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