
By KatesGardenPDX

Bruce's Garden

I had the joy of visiting my friend Bruce's garden today. He and his partner bought a 5 acre parcel of uncleared land in a somewhat remote part of northwestern Portland 30 years ago. Over the years they built their house and cultivated two acres of the land into a series of exquisite gardens.

Normally they host a series of open gardens, but obviously are not able to do that now. They have been allowing groups of 10 at a time to come to the garden, figuring they have at least 75 feet in between each other :-)

Today's blip is a collage of just a sampling of what's in bloom in their garden today. The extra is another collage of vistas.

However, if you are able to look at this link on YouTube that Bruce created a video about a month ago that is really worth watching if you're into gardens. You'll also get a sense of the lush landscape of western Oregon (not that my garden looks like this!!)

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend!

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