My friend, the ground beetle

Or, put another way, ground beetle mon ami. Ok, ground beetle on Ammi. 

I was using a very tight depth of field on Janet's Ammi Majus when this fellow popped up above the florets. He kind of took pride of place, and so forgive the softness and the variable focus over the shot.

I didn't immediately realise yesterday's guitar blip had set the scene for a blip duel between my brothers in law. I roared when I saw, and I'm sure if you're not following them both (why?) you will too. Here and here.

There was apparently another roar today in Bristol, when the anti-racism protesters tore down the long debated and controversial statue to the Bristol slaver Edward Colston. I'm sure social distancing happened... um.

I'm happy to see it taken off the street but hope it goes to a museum (when they get it out of the river) where the slaver story can be told. Bristol, my home city, has benefitted from a rich and dreadful association with slavery and tobacco.

May change come, reconciliation follow and the one human race live in peace.

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