Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Light and Shadows

I love this walkway at the beginning of the nature trail.  The cutouts on the top make beautiful light birds on the ground when the sun is in the right place.  Now I know what time to go!  I also liked the distortion.  I focused on the middle of the walkway which is straight....but everything else is askew. :-)

My extra is the bird highlights of the walk.  Cinnamon Teal and American White Pelicans on top and Yellow-headed Blackbird and Great Blue Heron on the bottom.  

It was too hot for a bike ride again.  Tomorrow I am going to set my alarm and be on the road by 9 AM!  I am grateful that I could drive to the nature area today where there is a lot of shade.  It really wasn't much of a walk - just from one shady spot to the next. ;-)

Thank you to everyone who sprinkled stars and hearts on my blips today!  They are all appreciated. :-))

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