More cloud drama

Today was a relatively busy day for me.  I had a grocery delivery that took me quite a while to put away.  I had tried to get the delivery yesterday but all the slots were booked, so I had to settle for today.  And the shelves are not so well stocked after Saturday, so five of the things on my list weren't available.  

Then Lex came by for a visit, which was a delight, and we drank tea and sat and talked for a long time.  She also did some rearranging of furniture so that the chair and bicycle are further away from the center of the room, so I'm less likely to trip over them.

The ingredients for my meatloaf did arrive in the delivery, so I was able to make that and it tastes delicious, more so than usual.  Not sure why.

Tomorrow a man will be coming to see about making a soft brace for my left knee to support it when I'm walking.  This is the third time we've scheduled, so I hope he makes it this time.

Hoping you all had pleasant days and sunshine.

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