Monday - baking day

It's Monday, so it's baking day (actually it can be baking day any day of the week, depending upon when we run out of bread and when Mr A feels like baking again). But it seems like it ought to be Monday as baking day. This time, he made two loaves, including one for our long-suffering downstairs neighbour, who most recently had to put up with our balcony clean at the weekend, and so had to clear her own balcony. Delicious it was too. FYI he just makes plain white loaves, and sometimes fruit breads on the same base. That's what seems to work best.

In the afternoon, I had a practice zoom learning to do some of the things that I will need for my launch event next week. Several blippers participated, along with a few other randoms from my life. The person who had known me longest on the zoom first met me in 1980... There was one other person who didn't make it because of work commitments, who first met me in 1976.

I made a curry in the evening, and then we watched The Merry Wives of Windsor from Shakespeare's Globe. Very bawdy indeed.

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