The Masked Lady

Were it not for the fact that this mask makes my glasses steam up in an alarming way, I would give it a thumbs up for fashion. I found I was trying not to breathe so that I could see where I was going. Hopefully things will be better outside...... if not, I will have to invest in a white stick.
I was out without a mask and a white stick today but with a helmet, getting in some essential exercise on two wheels before the rain arrives, forecast for tomorrow. I found when I went out a walk later that I was doing some sort of stately minuet around a host of passing sweaty joggers and young people who haven’t heard of separation distance.

Later I put the two other plantains I bought yesterday out of their misery by baking another plantain loaf and not content with that, a traybake of ‘rocky road’ to donate to Maggie’s. That will definitely conclude the activities this week of the baking goddess that briefly escaped from inside me.
‘Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof’.

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