Park rose

A busy sort of day, even though I had the day off. After breakfast we went shopping, we managed to find a few things that we wanted and a few things that were close enough. After lunch I logged on and did a bit of work that I should have done yesterday, it wasn't much but it's better done today than Monday.

Once that was done we went to get a 35 kg bag of NHL 5 lime and three 35 kg bags of local sand from Point-P. Point-P said that NHL 5 is required for local pointing not NHL 3.5 which is what every single web site says for pointing of old stone walls... Getting it all out of the car was a lot harder than Point-P loading it in!

We then took the dog for a walk to the park while it was dry. He enjoyed his sniff, he does more sniffing than actual walking - though he did chase a few birds and run round after another dog. He hasn't grasped that he can't fly and the birds always get away yet, or that the bigger dogs tend to run a lot faster than he can - though he is fast for his size.

Today's blip is a dry blip of a rose at the entrance to the park. After we left if started to rain, so it's possible it's a bit soggy now.

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