Flaming June!

The summer curse of the East Coast arrived this morning. A haar enveloped Edinburgh in an all pervasive wet clinging shawl dampening my mood and leaving the world beyond the windows to be viewed through a miasma of hopelessness.
At some point I was obliged to leave the relative warmth of the Dower House to find flour, but scurried back as quickly as possible.

To try and jolt myself into a more positive frame of mind, I tried my hand at making scones again and if not pretty enough to win at a WRI baking competition, at least they were risen and tasty. A tea loaf followed and also some oatcakes. Baking has become somewhat of a stress buster during lockdown and has weaned me off knitting Shetland beanies to a large extent.

I had a lovely surprise when the postie delivered a face mask from Tarbet to me. See extra photo. And my glasses did not steam up although I had followed the advice of TrikinDave and used washing up liquid on the lenses before polishing them. Thank you Croftcrafts.

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