Stormy weather

Awoke to another dull day, and a message from daughter requesting a curry recipe.  Then received a phone call from grandson F to say he was working locally with his dad, and could he pop up to see me? Of  course I said yes, and by the time he arrived at lunchtime it was quite warm.  We sat in the garden, and he sampled one of yesterday’s scones - seemed to approve.  He is very mature for his age, so we have some intriguing conversations!  We talked for hours!  A neighbour had obtained some plants from the old  Victorian garden in St Ives Estate, and passed me a large portion of a mint plant.  I split it so that F could take some home for his mum to grow, and planted the rest in an urn - smells lovely.  I was going to plant it next to some lemon balm, but it looks too similar, and could get confusing!  F had some shopping to take home, plus the large mint plant, so rang his dad for a lift, and decided that he would commandeer one of my spare water butts.  There was then a loud rumble if thunder so I got twitchy as I hate storms.  Luckily dad arrived and F went home just as the rain started. Realising I had no blip I captured the clouds just after the storm when the sun was trying to push through again.  Some interesting formations, so a collage in extras.

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