
By karisfitch

Gift of a Sister

After months of only seeing her face through a screen...I got to spend a whole day with a real-life, 3D Rebekah!! I’m so thankful for the relationships and connections we can maintain through technology - but you just can’t beat being with someone you love in person. Thankful for relationships where time apart never changes your time together. And for this gift of a day, spent with this gift from God of a sister.

1. Rest - reading good books, exploring with no time limit, conversation with no pressure or agenda.
2. The love language of physical touch. Especially taken for granted less since lockdown! Hugs, and snuggling up together to watch a movie.
3. Beautiful sunshine. There’s more to life than weather but it is hard not to appreciate this warmth.
4. Rebekah - seeing how much she’s grown in her faith, and seeing her pursue her passion. I feel really proud of her.
5. Getting 2 massive bowls of pears for £1 at the market!
6. The friendliness of strangers. Meeting Pico, a Brazilian street artist, and chatting with him for some time through google translate. A passerby overhearing me say “this is such a good day”...and saying “it is a good day!”

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