Photos from A Field

By RandallFriesen

Angry clouds again

We seem to be moving into the season now of storms in the evening and the night time. That usually happens when the days are hot. Today wasn’t a particularly hot day, but sure enough, clouds are rolling in for another shower and thunderstorm.

Last night around midnight a big storm rolled over us. Certainly too big and noisy to sleep through so we just got up and sat in the sunroom and watched as it came at us from the south.

Last night there was a touch of hail in it, and that always makes us nervous out here with the crops and the farming income for the year. But I don’t think it was bad enough to cause that much damage.

Tonight Lauralea and I went over to the neighbors for supper and a visit. They are good people, and very similar in many respects to Lauralea and I.

We talked Church, phone apps, bee keeping, and a multitude of other topics. We headed out just as the clouds were getting dark and we just made it home as the rain starts to fall hard now.

Anyway reporting the weather update from this rainy fields tonight. Stay safe and stay dry. And have a good week.

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