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This little hummingbird was delighted to feast on the nectar of the Hot Lips and Fuschia flowers. He was out there in the light rain, but soon the downpours arrived and he too shelter somewhere. It was a strange day with thunder, light rain, heavy rain and sunshine. There was even a rainbow, but I missed it because I was out in the garden pruning again and I had to run in the garage to get the camera out of my car....when I got back that spectacular rainbow was gone. Ugh!!

I helped hubby clean up the garage...AGAIN....and it feels good to have it orderly again. We have a bad habit of not putting things away when we use them.....I want to change that and habitually put everything in its place....however, it might bug the heck out of me if my husband didn't do the same.....so maybe it is good that we understand each other and can't blame one person for the clutter.   :-))

Confusing, conflicting news on what we need to do to stay safe from Covid 19......I just wish everyone agreed on the best way to treat it and beat it. 

In the meantime, do the best you can to stay safe and be nice to yourself and others!!

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