The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

Along The Defense Channel...

I rode my bike this morning... To the marked in get fresh fruit, vegetables and something good and delicious to go with our coffee. My friend Huib came along... we didn't see each other since the corona outbreak... The beautiful weather allowed us to drink coffee and chat outside in the garden at a safe distance... It's good to be able to meet nice people again... :-))
2500 blips ago, I started this huge adventure... And I never could have thought that after all this years I still would take a photo every day, and that I'm still part of this amazing and wonderful community... You let me be a part of your life, and you all are a part in my life... That's what makes Blip so special... We are there in good and bad times and in sickness and health...(starts to sound like a wedding promise). The kindness and positive vibes are amazing and a good example to the rest of the world... Try to explain an outsider how Blips community is working, they can hardly believe it...

I want to say thank you all, for your love, great support, lovely comments, stars and hearts in the past years. You all are awesome... XXX

Many thanks to Freyjad for hosting WideWednesday

Thanks for the lovely comments and stars for my yesterday’s blip! Xxx

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