2 of 4

2 of the 4 young peregrines took to their wings today but crash landed on the ground. I was playing golf and had a call from a photographer pal to tell me that they were rescuing the 1st fledgling and taking him onto the roof of the mill. Later the 2nd had a similar maiden voyage and also needed to be handled and put on the top of the 7 storey mill. I went down in the afternoon to see if there would be any more action but the remaining 2 birds were settled on the nesting ledge but this one definitely looked as though he was looking down trying to pluck up the courage to go.
In previous years there has been lots of practise wing beating and short take offs on the ledge before the big first flight but this year they appeared to just go, perhaps a day or two to early.
The two fledglings were vulnerable prey on the floor and would most likely not have lasted the night, the parents would also not have fed them there so hopefully they will make it through the night and try again tomorrow. Flying is so natural to birds but landing is a skill they have to develop.

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