
By Colgaize82


Improvements have been made today; both in a macrocosmic & microcosmic sense- that’s if I am to view myself as part of the microcosm.

So, thinking of the macrocosm:

I was very interested to hear of the findings of the Oxford-based NIHR research & the hope that it may be of use amidst the chaos & uncertainty of the pandemic.

It was also good to read that our glorious leader has conceded, following the hugely articulate & apposite force of Marcus Rashford’s words in his open letter, to continue FSM provision over the 6 week summer holidays for our most vulnerable children.

Onto the microcosm: (My minuscule dot on the face of it).

- I’m getting back into a rhythm with work (I had dropped the spinning plates last week; they had smashed gloriously, all over the place but plates are just things & things come & go).
- I didn’t eat too many biscuits today. Probably just 6. Maybe 8 (squirms)
- I’m slowly but surely getting better on the guitar. I just need perseverance and time (I suspect one is easier to muster up & take hold of than the other...)

Unfortunately, my ability to point my iPhone at a stunning view & do it justice isn’t improving but I do like the way the dense, warm evening mist hovers around
the base of Catbells & the fells beyond in this shot.

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