I think it’s probably fair to say that life is going by “in a blur” these days - when one day is very much like another - and as I have said before, I’m sure we aren’t the only couple who say to each other on a regular basis, “What day is it?” 

We said a couple of weeks ago that our garden needed rain and boy, have we got it now - it has been raining almost non-stop since about 4.30 this morning and Mr. HCB is still very happy about this, because our clay soil was becoming very dry and lumpy.  However, with this gentle rain, it will, hopefully become more friable so that the flower beds at least can be hoed, because those of you who also have the same soil will know that no amount of hoeing will help when the soil is great clumps of clay.  

I am still considering whether I will go out for a walk soon, but Mr. HCB is not that keen - however, a large umbrella, walking boots and a thick anorak will do me fine - and I can even do a quick chorus of “I’m Singing in the Rain”!

I went out into the garden to take some shots for today’s Abstract Thursday challenge, the theme for which is blur - and used my Slow Shutter Cam app, then did a bit of fartnarkling in Snapseed, which produced this shot. If you’re wondering about the black and white at the top, it’s my large umbrella - I would have got drenched without it.  

With all that’s going on in the world, I found this quote that I thought was quite apposite:

“Perfecting the past blurs 
     your focus of the future.”
Marvin Davis

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