A Long Term Project

A calm day, fairly breezy tonight.  Mostly cloudy, with mist hanging over the hills.  It was hazy sunshine in the afternoon. 

Up early, and a day working at my desk.  Scanning through more slides.  Headed down to mam's in the late afternoon.  The duller weather gave me a chance to get some much needed household chores done tonight.  Friend Cathy phoned this evening, leaving Sammy late for his walkies.  Feet up by the fire now.  

Me and mam had been speaking about her garden bench last week, and much to my surprise, dad was working with it today.  Dad hand carved and built the whole thing himself, but about 20 years ago.  It's been in the garage ever since, but today it's seen the light of day.  He had forgotten his initial plans, so some fine tuning needed.  Hopefully next trip down, I'll see it finished and take a seat.  Bro Jonny looking on, ready to help dad.  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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