Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The Young Ones

Last night Xena went into season - it was expected as all her sisters in the litter have already had their first season and her behaviour has been a little strange with other dogs for the past few days (avoiding them), so the signs were there. We have only had male dogs before so this is a new world for us, but the breeder had already given me lots of advice so I was prepared. Years ago female dogs were spayed early, and so most pet owners never had to deal with a dog being on heat, but these days it is not recommended to spay a female until after her first season to give the body all the correct amount of growth hormones. Consequently one can now buy doggy pants to use for female dogs in season to avoid any mess in the house. She has been very good wearing her new knickers, rather stylish ones with a polka dot design!! So now it is lead only walks and I was a bit nervous this morning so Gavin came with me, in case any male dogs proved bothersome. The walk went well with no problems.

We all then went to the GP to have the antibody blood test, it was what Gavin wanted but if it was left up to me I would not have bothered with it. I suppose it is useful to know either way. 

Today there was a BLM march in our next door village (Cobham), and I was going to attend it to take photos (from a safe distance of at least 2m away) but it started at 1pm and we were having lunch at that time. Also earlier in the day when we went for coffee at our local coffee shop there was a mass of black clothed bikers who swarmed the pavements and when I asked them to move their bikes off the pavements so we could walk past I was told in very unpleasant terms what I could do with my request. The boys think they were a right wing gang judging from the logos on their T shirts so we presumed they were going to the BLM march to make trouble and I did not want to get mixed up in all of that. They looked very threatening and the boys were cross with me for asking them to move their bikes so we could pass as they said you don't mess with people like that. And who says nothing political happens in a sleepy little Surrey village!

We then had a lovely BBQ lunch as the weather was sunny, and so I took the opportunity to take a photo of the young adults. Well I suppose you cannot call them kids anymore. 

Gavin's mum had a better night and is responding to the antibiotics and oxygen, so we take each day as it comes.

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