Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Midsummer days

There's a lot I love to blip that's missing from this summer, particularly Winchester's annual events' calendar.  In two weeks it would be the Hat Fair and if you've followed my journal for any time you will know what blipping there means to me.  On the other hand, having a narrower range of subjects has made us all look more carefully at what remains, hasn't it?  And that has been fascinating.

Today has been a quiet one, but I did walk through the park, skirting the centre of town and continuing on a short way into the water meadows on the other side.  Very beautiful in the sunshine, but what I enjoyed most was coming back and watching people ambling around with their take-out drinks, being sociable (at a distance, in theory at least).

That was this morning.  Then I made a salad lunch, which K and I ate in the garden, and this afternoon dead-headed the roses and read.  It made me feel very content.

Wishing you all a happy - or at the very least, peaceful - evening  xx

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