HtP to the rescue

As we were social distancing I couldn’t ask anyone to come in and fix the dripping kitchen tap. While it was dry I was collecting all of the water and using it to water the plants or putting it in the water butts. The water butts are now full so I was having to be ingenious with ways to use the water.

HtP has today fixed the tap. It’s so nice to not here the dripping tap.

HtP and I have done a bit of gardening and then we’ve shared a take away.

The photo is a flower on one of the sempervivums. Last year I wanted some for a planter. I bought twelve which was far too many for the planter so the rest went in the gravel around the conservatory. It’s the first time that I’ve grown them so it’s flower marks the day.

I’ve been putting off making a sourdough loaf but today I’ve decided that today was the day. However I’ve realised that’s I’ve put too much water in so now I’m trying to rescue it with more flour. Throwing it away is not an option.

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