Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

I Made a Sunrise

This is rare at this time of year, even for me.  I woke up at four a.m. and didn't get back off to sleep so got up a few minutes later.  I just had enough time to dress, and head out to one of my local photo sites, running the last few yards as the sky coloured up in front of me.  As soon as the colour appeared it was waning so I was pleased I'd made the effort to run, despite a pain in my hip for the rest of the day.

It was such a glorious morning, made even more so as I travelled around because I came across the nursing herd of red deer.  I counted at least 3 calves in amongst the group.  I didn't really have the right lens to make the most of my encounter, but if I get the chance I will head back in the same direction over the next few days.  One interesting dynamic was the yearling male I came across on the periphery of the herd.  He was still with his mother, but separate from the rest of the deer.  You can see from the extra that he has a deformed back, and while he seemed to get about OK, he certainly didn't seem to be accepted by the rest of the herd.  I watched for some time and he, with his mother, were forced away by another hind from the main group as they headed off into the thick woodland.  I know nature can be cruel, but I have hope for him in the short term as his mother has not had another calf this year and is continuing to stay with him.

Oh and I ended to trip out by having a drive-thru Starbucks on the way home - my first for about 4 months.

Day Miles: 4.1 Miles. Total Miles: 828.3 miles

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